- AA Audio New Website
AA Audio has a new website.
Useful contents from this blog (i.e. tips on computer audio playback) will be moved over.
- New Brand Logo
This is the new brand logo for AA Audio.
AA Audio is a brand name, not a company name. Products will be sold under ‘The Optimization Expert PLT’.
AA is the initial for my given name, Anwar Ali. The AA initial was drawn in slanted sinusoidal form with shadow (representing audio waves). The horizontal stroke for characters AA initial is filled by “AA Audio” text.
On second look, the slanted sinusoidal wave form can also be seen as AAVM; the V is in the middle and M is the whole wave form. AAVM is the initial to my full name, Anwar Ali Vali Mohamed.
I thought of using AVM initially. My late father used AVM for his business since my grandfather’s name started with an A (Abdul Karim). So AVM can be the short form of AAVM. Unfortunately, there is already a German audio company with AVM brand, with full business name Audio Video Manufaktur GmbH.
- Northern AV Penang
Yes, the show was confirmed last night. Thank you to Wilson Teoh for including a newbie hi-fi entrepreneur into the show. This short post provides a preview of what will be demonstrated during the show.
Flagship AA Music Streamers
With three USB2 Isolator prototypes in good working condition, plus the TI’s EVM board with modifications, there will be two flagship music streamers on display to feed two different DACs: FCPGA-based DSD 4x upsampling DAC (Marantz SA-10) and a newly purchased R2R-based DAC. Another flagship streamer will be used by the other exhibitor sharing the same function room.
Flagship AA Music Streamer How a reasonably good CD/SACD player sound quality compares to using its internal DAC through USB connection with AA music streamer will be demonstrated using Marantz SA-10.
Now about the new R2R DAC. There will be not enough time to get the new R2R DAC to fully break in – it needs 500 hours. It will sound better during the Gelombang show in Kuala Lumpur in early August. Picture below was sent by the seller in Hong Kong during quick check before shipment, tested while still wrapped in plastic. Any guess what DAC is this?
Newly purchased DAC will be used with the flagship streamer Experimental Entry-Level AA Music Streamer
The earlier attempts of using Fractal Design Node 202 computer case resulted in overheating issues due to undersized heatsink to fit within Node 202 case. The selection of computer case is still pending. However, for this show, an experimental two-case solution will be shown. The idea is to gauge whether there is a market for such product. The USB2 Isolator prototype will be used here.
Experimental 2-case entry level streamer 3-rail linear PSU Front view of experimental entry-level streamer Rear view of experimental entry-level streamer If there is enough interest (i.e. its sound quality is good enough and acceptable), a new custom computer case will be designed and developed. It will be offered as a single-case product.
AA USB Audio Cable
I was ready to purchase another expensive USB Audio cable from UK. However, I decided to experiment building the cable myself. Tried different solid-core pure silver cable with different gauges and from different manufacturers. Also tried different USB A and B plugs – they really matters and make very big difference to the sound quality.
USB Audio cables USB Audio cables plugs and sleeves The characteristic impedance of the differential data lines were measured using Vector Network Analyzer. The goal is to make it as close to 90 ohm impedance by adjusting the twists for data lines.
USB cable impedance measurement with VNA If you bring your own USB Audio cables, I will let you compare and hear the difference with the recently developed AA USB Audio cables shown above.
The AA USB audio cable will made-to-order per length specified by customer. Please note that for USB audio cables, the shorter the better. The data lines use solid core 5N pure silver wire. Each cable will be hand-made with the characteristic impedance measured.
Details on price and configuration options will be published before the show.
You can leave your comments here.
- User Test Report (Firdaus)
With his permission, I am copying the contents of fb group post (Hifi Talk Malaysia, private group, only members can view) by Mohd Firdaus bin Ishak into this blog.
Firdaus is already using a powerful Intel NUC as semi-DIY music streamer with Windows 10 and JPLAY FEMTO, so I thought this is a good avenue for comparison. Firdaus also took the time sharing his experience, including capturing and uploading videos to YouTube (links available here).
First post – The AA Music Streamer
(created Feb 6 2022, content copied Feb 21 2022) Original fb post
this was supposed to be quick and simple write up of my thought but after finish i found it quite ( very ) long.. so for those only interested of my finding can straight go to line 106.. like if you feel diligent enough to actually count..
there is nothing new about this soon to be release local made streamer by Dr Anwar Ali Mohamed . there are 2 reviewer had review this streamer as far as i know.
im not here to put another review.. don’t have such skill with fancy word to put up.. plus my hifi system is just so-so.. i just want to share my personal thought and experience with this streamer..
thanks to Dr Anwar loaning this unit to me for a field test..
[ my setup before this PC streamer ]
before i put my thought on this streamer, maybe let me brief a bit of my previous experience on digital music player that i had on the past.. this will help you to judge my judgment 😅
i start my journey of digital music player with my first reference player, an android box ( nvidia shield ) connect to my DAC via USB.. why android box? because since i already owned it and not willing to spend for anything more.. i use Hiby music app.. it capable to play hires local flac and the sound is good enough for me..
then i discover there is music app called USB Audio Player Pro (UAPP). its not so expensive.. about RM50 including MQA addon.. maybe less.. This player stand apart from other player because it use custom developed USB audio driver for USB DACs bypassing all audio limits of default Android driver that most other music app used.. with UAPP i got better cleaner music experience..
then i was introduced to raspberry pi by Mr Ken Steel.. he poisoned me by loaning his Pi4.. its a small single-board computer.. there is many OS for audio that i try.. volumio.. roopiexl.. moode.. out of the 3 my favorite was volumio.. it has best sound and interface out of all.. this was my 3rd reference player replacing UAPP on Android..
after that i moved Volumio from pi to PC after i found upgrading my intel NUC skull canyon stock power supply to Linear Power Supply gave me much cleaner and quieter background.. i stuck with volumio for a while because at the moment i believed linux base OS like volumio best for audio player because it was a trim down version of full linux distribution made specifically for audio.. so nothing fancy running busy at background that may lead to noisy output sound..
NUC running volumio has been my 4th reference player replacing pi4 for quite a while.. until i came across Dr Anwar blog about Hysolid.. i do have a doubt if it can be any good since it run on windows 10 OS.. this in my understanding will have many unwanted process running and can caused interruption on audio output.. but since the fact that Hysolid is a background service thing that run only on background and no windows login required then this made me wanna give a shot.. i get some other m.2 ssd to install win10 just to try with Hysolid.. the result is really jaw dropping.. NUC runnning Hysolid was officially 5th reference player that time replacing volumio..
Hysolid is very good sounding Free music player. however the developer is no longer supporting the program.. so any issue will left abandoned.. even the app is kind of buggy.. music collection cant be too large else app will crash.. user interface need a lot of improvement and bug fix.. latest android cant run Hysolid at all.. need older android version.. This make me look for something else.. as suggested by Dr Anwar from his journey, i went for JPlay Femto..
I did not try JPlay Femto first before Hysolid because I dont like the retail price.. for me its too much for music player.. its 149.. not MYR.. but Euro.. about RM700… gila ah.. just for a program.. not hardware.. tapi roon lagi mahal.. USD12.99 per month.. lifetime for USD699.99..
But since it does come with 21 days trial so i just give a shot.. to be honest.. the sound quality isn’t that much better than Hysolid.. slightly better only.. but since by far Jplay Femto is the best sonic sound that i heard personally and Hysolid is buggy and no longer supported, after 21days plus 14 days extended trial, i made my mind.. i made craziest decision ever by paying for JPlay Femto.. i feel that its not really worth it.. but whenever i try something else for fun like Audirvana or Roon or Jriver along the way i always found Jplay Femto has better sound of my taste.. then i feel relieved😛.. at that moment.. NUC run JPlay Femto become my 6th reference Music Streamer replacing NUC+Hysolid.. and this remain my reference streamer for the time being..
in between there is also some streamer that i try like JF MX-Pro.. even though it have good sound with great interface and convenience i still prefer best sounding from JPlay.. or maybe sebab dah bayar mahal.. bagi sedap hati😛
i never experienced Music Streamer from manufacturer like Innuous or Lumin or Auralic etc.. i love to try but too much investment just to try for fun.. gut saying it maybe better but not by far.. this is how i calm myself down avoiding reckless purchase.. it works so far..
[ The Streamer Configuration and the Sound ]
ok now you know where i came from.. so my judgment might not be on par with some other higher level setup and experience..
with the NUC+Jplay Femto setup.. i have been sticking around without upgrading or changing gear for quite awhile now.. i feel like what i have now already good enough.. maybe a DAC with DSD support would be nice.. but i listen on 44.1 the most.. so im good with SoulNote SD710 DAC.. for now.. other than that i feel like my so-so system produce the best sounding ever.. any minor issue like a little boomy sound for some track i blame my small room and the bad acoustic treatment.. i always assume that.. i even ordered proper room treatment stuff to see if will help.. but things got delayed maybe after CNY.. sometimes i just blame the digital copy of the flac.. poor ripping approach la.. bla bla bla..
[ configuration ]
now with the AA Streamer..
the moment i plug in to my system.. configuration is flawless.. i just need to hook up 3 things.. power cable.. USB cable for the DAC/DDC and LAN cable.. thats all..
next step is just installing driver for my DAC/DDC and copy my music to the SSD.. all this was done on my laptop connected on same network using remote desktop app build-in on WIN10.. or it also can be done using RD Client app from android or IOS device.. no hassle of monitor or keyboard or mouse on the streamer.. pure headless..
however.. there is a minor speedbump.. i did not manage to get JPlay detected on either of my bubbleupnp apps on android or mconnect on ios.. it took a while figuring out that my home network router need public access enabled for JPlay in firewall setting.. maybe because i setup 2 sub domain.. 1 special isolate for my hifi using mesh router and the other for the rest of user in the house using unifi router.. after enabling that in firewall setting my JPlay is up and running.. woohooo..
[ The Sound ]
before i manage to figure out JPlay firewall issue.. i just able to enjoy the sound of the streamer from the windows.. so i login to the streamer on my phone using RD Client.. open chrome.. play some youtube song.. i search ‘audiophile’ on YT.. play the first video on the result list called ‘Audiophile Music Collection 2021 – Deep Bass and Vocals album – Audiophile NbR Music’
the NBR intro music is nice.. but yeah.. my NUC sound as nice either.. not surprise..
then the first track start.. the ‘St. James Infirmary’ i think.. huh.. the guitar pluck.. the vocal.. fills the room.. sound superb betol.. clarity very transparent.. half way i stop.. maybe never heard this track on my NUC that’s why i got overexcited.. or maybe its just a ‘new gear’ effect.. everything sound good at the beginning.. tak puas hati punya pasal.. right away.. i turn off the streamer and put on my NUC back.. login on win10 and play same YT track.. the intro.. lebih kurang.. as expected.. then that first track kick in.. sound as good.. but not as good as i heard moment before.. now i become picky already.. suddenly i feel like the NUC sound like having dust all around while the AA Streamer have cleaner sound.. hmmm.. its only a YT comparison.. dah tewas.. i was like “LEMAH..”
then i put on AA Streamer back.. after i manage to get JPlay Femto up.. i put some track on JPLAY Femto.. one from FourPlay.. i simply pick any.. that time ‘October Morning’ was chosen.. yep.. it does sound clean and very much pleasing.. again.. after the track finish.. i shut down and put back my NUC.. remember the boomy thingy i mention before? it present a little bit here on this track on my NUC.. noticeably improved on the AA streamer.. i was like.. ‘WHAT’.. it supposed to be fixed after i got my acoustic treatment arrived.. did i assume wrong? huhu..
then moved back to AA Streamer.. dah malas nak switch back and forth dah.. i have to accept the fact that my NUC have some weakness.. terima hakikat.. itu bukan lawan dia..
i kept on listening to few more track.. there is 6th or 7th album (cant recall which) from Focal JMlabs album has few electronic music.. i remember last time i hear the track it was not so enjoyable.. whenever the track play i always skip it.. maybe too much bass and feel drown.. but now i can enjoy each of them.. the electro bass punch sounds clean tight and under control.. so goood..
Listening to live album like Antonio Forcione and Nils Lofgren giving a big box room effect..
Decay and reverb effect make me feel like im listening in very quiet dark room.. like i was there kind of feeling..
worth to mention that my NUC connected to my DAC/DDC through JCAT USB Femto.. while the AA Streamer is using Dr Anwar’s own USB filter.. with the sonic sound that i get from AA Streamer im kind of having zero interest to take out the JCAT USB Femto card to try on AA Streamer.. like why i even need it.. it is actually against my natural behavior that always want to test every possible state 😅
[ things i like about the streamer ]
-the LPSU-
The most valuable thing about this streamer is the power supply.. there is many LPSU available on the market including ATX LPSU.. but most of them either exotically expensive or lower quality component used can get from aliexpress or tabao.. judgement done just by looking at the low price assuming lower quality part used..
as for AA Streamer reading from the blog i can see pretty good quality part has been chosen.. some even custom made like the audio-grade toroidal transformer custom-made in Europe.. the LPSU also gone through few iteration mix and match component to get best desired sounding like TI and LT regulator to be used at output stage..
the 5v DC also has been improved from earlier design.. originally it already came with dedicated regulator output for each single rail before and not share but now to improve further each of the 5v line design with own dedicated rail.. meaning those rectifier, smoothing caps, regulators separate for each rail to have better noise reduction..
there is few other good stuff in there that im not really know well to comment like the vishay and kemet capacitor.. can check out the blog for more details..
-the fanless case-
Streacom FC10 alpha was chosen to present the look of AA Streamer.. for me it was kind of overkill.. because the case isn’t cheap..
according to Dr Anwar the case is the most expensive part of the build.. also the case was specially design for PC heat dissipation.. but motherboard used in this streamer came with embedded CPU and CPU heatsink.. so it does not actually cooled by the FC10..
so what about the case that i like? the case was used to purely handle heat from LPSU and its done very good job.. temperature from the case is just light warm.. will took forever if you plan to heat coffee on that..
other than that the case is very solid and sturdy.. proudly present the Streamer..
-USB Filter-
for me.. personally.. for now.. i think the streamer does very good job without expensive USB Card like JCAT USB Femto.. i will try if i feel to do so later.. yet if the streamer is still with me..
but for now even without it.. with it own USB filter, it does an excellent job lifting the sound quality of the streamer to higher level.. even the internal cabling for USB filter is pretty good.. pure silver core cable if not mistaken and dedicated separate power line..
-headless setup-
with Win10 and JPLAY Femto, i like the fact that the Streamer is headless.. no monitor require to connect to the streamer.. no keyboard.. no mouse.. less potential noise ( acah2 purist ).. to use the streamer you just need to press the switch in front once and to turn off just press the same switch twice.. that’s it.. to login in the windows system for any reason like install driver or transfer music or debug anything just login from other PC or laptop using remote desktop program available in win10 or login using RD Client using Android or IOS device..
[ wrap up ]
im honored to be able to try the unit on my system and overall, i like the Streamer very much.. it looks premium and the performance is outstanding.. big leap for some one like me with so-so system..
[ my system used ]
Vienna Acoustic Mozart Grand Floor Stand Speaker
AVI S21 M1 Labs Series Integrated Amplifier
SoulNote SD710 DAC
Singxer SU1 DDC
Curious USB cable
Mike Lenehan Ribbontek Speaker Cable
Pair of Palic Diamond Silver Coax cable used as RCA cable
AFA Coax cable
Monster Powerline300 and Powerline400 power cableSecond post – [AA Audio USB Filter vs JCAT USB Femto] little story of Zinger Burger 😆
(created Feb 12 2022, content copied Feb 21 2022) Original fb post
As promised.. eventhough i have very low interest to try JCAT USB Femto on AA Streamer but since not every day one like me get a chance to play with high end streamer, so yeah lets do it..
To recap why i dont feel like trying the JCAT is because the sound of AA Streamer with its own design USB filter is superb out of the box.. like a complete package.. adding stuff to the chain i feel it gonna be like adding hot sauce in kfc zinger burger.. chef presented the way it is.. if the chef want hot souce in it it will come in the package.. betul tak? Like the P. Ramlee Burger.
anyway since i already own JCAT USB Femto so i thought why dont i just give a shot.. no harm trying anyway..
[ installing the card ]
So.. the Streacom FC10 alpha had the pci bracket placed horizontally for it form factor. Thus, it need pcie riser for this purpose.. will this degrade the sound quality? Nahhh.. purist will say everything affected sound but its a low speed so i have minimal to zero concern..
And since AA Streamer does have extra 5v DC rails so the JCAT can be powered internally through molex input on the JCAT.. No additional linear power supply required for this purpose.. however you can use external LPSU if you want.. just configure correct jumper and connect the 5v to 2.5mm DC input on the JCAT..
worth mentioning AA Streamer require long pci bracket for pcie card installation..
It does not require any driver installation on win10 as it use default microsoft renesas driver..
Siap.. ready to use..
[ the sound ]
So lets cut to the chase.. how does it sound? Can it be any better? Short answer is… surprisingly yes.. well it can be personal taste but since im sharing my experience so it gonna be based on my taste..
JCAT produce more sharp edge sounding.. can be a little bit analytical but within enjoyable range.. the USB filter however give more polite sounding.. some might prefer this.. softer edge with a trade of slight loose of saperation..
[ wrap up ]
So yeah.. thats my perspective of the 2 USB card.. JCAT win my heart.. but the USB filter is also excellent.. it is not something like ‘better than nothing’ stuff.. its a good good stuff.. if I don’t compare with the JCAT I already love the sound from USB filter out of the box.. the feel that i dont need anything else for the streamer.. a complete recipe streamer..
but probably this time its more like Heinz or Hellmanns rather than regular life’s hot sauces for the zinger.. an upgrade rather than alterations perhaps 😅
Maybe Dr Anwar Ali Mohamed can consider releasing this USB filter alone..Please leave your comments here.
- Windows 10 Settings for Audio
In my previous posts, I mentioned Windows 10 + JPLAY FEMTO give better sound quality (SQ) compared to Linux-based players I have tried. In this post, I share some of the steps required in setting Windows 10 for audio playback without using third-party tools such as Audiophile Optimizer and Fidelizer.
Why Windows 10 for Audio PC?
The phrase “Audio PC” here refers to DIY music servers / streamers based on desktop motherboards in various form factors including Intel NUC. While Intel NUC is a good start into Audio PC, better SQ performance is achieved with proper desktop motherboards using audio-grade power supply. Desktop motherboards also have flexibility in adding internal PCIe cards.
Microsoft stated that in Windows 10, the latency has been reduced to 1.3ms for all applications. Depending on the processor, the actual latency can be lower. On my Pentium Silver J5040 SoC with Turbo Boost disabled and CPU running at 2 GHz, LatencyMon shows the worst case latency is below 0.5ms, with 6.3 μs and 1.5 μs averages of process and DPC latencies respectively. Wow! This is just a Pentium SoC.
LatencyMon Stats One major difference between Windows and Linux for USB DAC interface is that each DAC manufacturer provides driver(s) for Windows whereas for Linux, it uses generic USB Audio interface, normally through ALSA. I believe using dedicated drivers for a specific USB DAC is one of the reasons why Win 10 playback SQ is better.
Those with high-end DIY music streamers may add USB regen and network PCIe cards. Not all are guaranteed to work under Linux, but with Windows 10, if drivers are provided by the manufacturer, it shall work. The same is also true for motherboards.
Windows 10 Settings for Audio Playback Require Some Effort
Unlike Linux audio players where Linux O/S and the player software total size is not more than 4GB in size and can be installed headless, Windows 10 installation requires monitor, keyboard and mouse during installation.
Getting the best SQ from Windows 10 requires tweaking its settings, which include:
- turn off background apps and unnecessary startups
- adjust processor scheduling for best performance of background services
- set the power plan to performance
- disable power savings for USB port and storage drives (let them remain powered on)
- keep only what’s required for audio playback, and
- set Windows password
Please note that this is not a complete tutorial on Windows 10 installation since such information is readily available elsewhere. This is about changing Windows 10 settings for audio playback only and not necessarily 100% comprehensive. If I missed something really important, please send me message so that I can include it.
A USB thumb drive is required to create Windows 10 boot drive and another SSD is required for Window build. Let’s go through the steps.
Step 1: Download Windows 10 ISO
Download the latest ISO image of Windows 10 from the official Microsoft software download for Windows 10.
Under “Create Windows 10 installation media”, expand “Using the tool to create installation media (USB flash drive, DVD, or ISO file)”. The ISO can be downloaded and saved to a USB drive to be used as boot drive later.
Step 2: Boot ISO from USB drive and build fresh Windows 10
Make sure a blank SSD is installed to the Audio PC as destination for Windows 10 installation. The SSD content will be wiped out. I suggest using a small SSD for O/S and put music files into other separate larger SSDs. I normally select “Window 10 Pro”. The whole O/S takes no more than 40GB. SSD size of 80 to 120 GB is sufficient for O/S drive, but getting a small SSD below 250 GB may be difficult nowadays.
Please ensure a User Account / Name is set during Windows 10 build. This will be required later as we will set password during the last step.
Step 3: Install and Check Device Drivers
While Windows 10 tries to install all the necessary drivers automatically, drivers for motherboards, USB DAC, PCIe cards such as USB regen and network require manual installation. From Start, type and select “Device Manager”. An example screenshot is shown below.
Some drivers not installed In the above example, the driver for USB regen card which uses Renesas / NEC µPD720201 host controller has not been installed yet. After driver installation from manufacturer website, the Device Manager shows the following.
USB regen driver installed In general, if none of the device categories are expanded like shown below, it means all drivers were installed correctly.
All drivers installed correctly It is important to install all drivers that come with the motherboard and it needs to be done first. Some drivers require Windows 10 restart after installation. The following two screenshots show drivers under Systems which are motherboard related after all drivers installed.
Motherboard drivers, part 1 Motherboard drivers, part 2 Drivers for USB DAC drivers, USB Regen and Network PCIe cards must be installed too. In the example below where USB DAC and USB Regen PCIe card drivers have been installed, after connecting USB cable between USB Regen card and the DAC, please check whether Windows can detect the USB DAC like shown below.
USB Audio device USB Audio device drivers come with its own Control Panel. Opening the USB Audio Control Panel can confirm successful USB Audio connection like shown below.
USB DAC driver installed correctly and connected If USB Audio connection is not good, only the Status tab is available with “No devices connected” shown. It can be caused by no USB cable installed, USB DAC not powered on, or USB Audio driver issues. Sometimes turning off and powering on DAC can resolve the detection problem if all other steps have been done correctly.
USB Audio Control Panel for Marantz SA-10 USB Audio Control Panel for Oppo 205 Step 4: Perform Windows Updates
The ISO image downloaded from Microsoft website is typically a few months old. Before moving to the subsequent steps, perform Windows Updates until it shows “You’re up to date”. Multiple reboots will be required. This can take a long time depending on internet connection speed.
Step 5: Disable Background Apps
Windows 10 default installation comes with a number of apps which run in the background. These apps are not required for audio playback and need to be disabled. From Start, type and select “Background apps” (under System settings); the following screen appears. Check “Let apps run in the background” to Off.
Disable Background Apps Step 6: Performance Option
From Start, type and select “System” (under Control Panel). The Settings windows appear. Scroll down and select “Advanced systems settings”. The following screen appears. Select the Advanced tab. Under “Performance” select “Settings”.
System Properties The “Performance Options” windows below can also be directly accessed from Start by typing “Performance” then select “Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows” (under Control Panel), then select the Advanced tab. For “Processor scheduling”, “Adjust for best performance of:”, select “Background services”.
Performance Options for best of Background services If system memory is 16GB or higher, uncheck “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives” and disable Virtual memory by setting “No paging file”.
Virtual Memory paging file disabled Step 7: Power Settings
I prefer disabling both Turbo Boost and Intel’s SpeedStep in BIOS to ensure Windows 10 run at 100% CPU speed without Turbo Boost. You may have other preference. If Intel SpeedStep is enabled in BIOS, then the minimum and maximum CPU speed needs to be set in Windows. We will cover that later.
From Start, type “Power” and select “Choose a power plan”. The following screen appears. Select “High performance”. After installation is completed, we want Windows to run headless where the front power button will be used to shutdown the PC. Select “Choose what the power button does” to confirm the power button setting.
Choose or customize a power plan Ensure that “When I press the power button:”, Shut down is selected.
Power button settings If Shut down is already selected, select “Cancel”, otherwise select “Save changes”. We are now back to “Choose or customize a power plan” screen. Select either one of “Choose when to turn off display” or “Choose when the computer sleeps”. The following screen appears. Please ensure “Put the computer to sleep:” is set to Never.
Power Plan Settings Save changes, then select “Change advanced power settings”. The following Power Options screen appears. Expand “Hard disk”, then set “Turn off hard disk after” Settings (Minutes): to zero.
Power settings for HD Under the same Power Options screen, expand “USB settings” and disable “USB selective suspend setting.
Power settings for USB The step below is required only when Intel SpeedStep is enabled in BIOS. Expand “Processor power management” and both Minimum and Maximum processor states. Set the desired CPU speed in percent.
Power Settings for CPU Step 8: Disable Screen Saver
We will eventually run Windows headless with no monitor or tv screen connected. From Start, type “screen saver” then select “Turn screen saver on or off”. The following screen appears. Select Screen saver to None.
Screen saver needs to be turned off as it uses CPU and graphics resources and it may degrade SQ.
Screen Saver Settings Step 9: Rename PC
During fresh Window 10 build, a lengthy weird name will be given to the PC. We need to change that to something we can remember. From Start, type “About” and select “About your PC” (System settings). The following screen appears. Select “Rename this PC”.
Device specs to get to renaming PC Enter a new name for the PC that we can remember and differentiate from the other PCs in the house, such as AudioPC.
Rename PC Step 10: Enable Network Discovery and File Sharing
We may want to access the music SSD inside AudioPC remotely. We may also want to use Remote Desktop app to access the AudioPC when we are playing music, e.g. to set different DAC settings. From Start, type “Sharing” and select “Manage Advanced Sharing Settings”. The following screen appears. Turn on network discovery and file sharing, then save changes. If the music folder is in D:/Music, use File Explorer and share that folder with “everyone”.
Network sharing Step 11: Enable Remote Desktop
This is required to enable AudioPC control from another PC or phone/tablet. From Start, type “remote desktop” and select “Remote Desktop Settings”. The following screen appears. Check “Enable Remote Desktop”.
Remote Desktop I use Android tablet/phones and installed Remote Desktop from Google play store, an official app from Microsoft with the logo below.
RD Client Android App Step 12: Install Audio Playback Software
We recommend Lyrion (formerly Logitech) Media Server (LMS) which is open-source and free. The download page is here. Make sure set LMS to start upon StartUp from its Control Panel.
Step 13: Set Windows Password
This is the last step. Press CTRL-ALT-DEL and select “Change A Password”. Enter a new password twice. Upon the next startup, Windows remains at the login screen with only the background services running resulting in better SQ.
Before disconnecting Audio PC from monitor, keyboard, and mouse, please write down the PC name, User name, and password to be used later for remote desktop connection. It is recommended to test Remote Desktop and shared Music folder connectivity before making the Audio PC headless.
Windows 10 License / Product Key?
The official Windows 10 Client downloaded from Microsoft website works fine even if it is not activated, i.e. license not purchased (no product key). On the screen, it may show “Windows Not Activated” watermark or message. Personalization cannot be done which is purely cosmetic, and that is not required for Audio PC. Regular Windows Updates work fine as well.
More Advanced Method
For advanced users, a better way to customize Windows is to customize the original ISO. A good reference is available here and I will not elaborate further. Please note that this is not for beginners.
Good luck in your journey in getting the best SQ from Windows 10. If you have any comments, please leave it here.